BTC Deposit → Spot USDT Exchange → Futures USDT Transfer Follow
Binance Futures API Trading can be traded using 'Futures USDT'.
In case of deposit of BTC
Buy Spot USDT by BTC (Spot Exchange) → Transfer Futures USDT (Convert USDT)
1. In the Spot Wallet, click 'BTC ↔ USDT' in Spot Exchange.
2. With BTC you have, you can purchase USDT at the market price on the spot market of Binance.
1) BTC market price: Real-time price for Binance BTC/USDT spot market
2) Conversion amount: Enter as many BTC quantities as you want or click the 'MAX' button to be
automatically entered the maximum quantity.
3) Estimated amount: Total USDT at market price
4) When you click 'transfer' button, USDT is purchased at the market price and moved to the spot wallet.
3. Transfer from Spot wallet USDT to Futures wallet USDT
Before using Binance Futures Margin, proceed to the next step, Futures USDT.
1) In the Transfer, click 'Spot ↔ Futures'.
2) Conversion amount: Enter as many BTC quantities as you want or click the 'MAX' button to be
automatically entered the maximum quantity.
3) When you click 'transfer' button, USDT is moved to the futures wallet.